Taking into consideration our client’s needs, we offer Home Modifications services which are:

  • Changes to the structure, layout or fittings of the client’s home that are required to enable the client to safely access and move around frequently used areas in their home as a result of their disability.

The home modification would only be considered whereby the home to be modified the client’s primary residence, and the client intends to remain living at the residence. If the property is a rental property, then the written agreement of the owner of the property will be required before any modifications take place.

At AussieCare, we adhere to several laws and regulatory frameworks, for example, Building Codes and Australian Standards which regulate home modifications. We are compliant to NDIA satisfaction that there are no laws, regulations or other planning restrictions which would prevent the home modifications being undertaken. We make sure that the NDIA is satisfied that the provision of the support will be, or is likely to be, useful and beneficial for our clients, having regard to current good practise (section 34(1)(d)). Our qualified and experienced Occupational Therapist to certify the effectiveness of the modification to meet the client’s goals and likely future needs. A suitably qualified Occupational Therapist will perform an assessment and recommend home modifications considering all possible alternatives, including the use of equipment.